Home Sellers with Dangerous Pets
As a leading voice for safety in the real estate industry, my job is to discuss safety topics that no one else is talking about.
I also teach agents to "Lead With Safety", be a safety advocate for the consumer. I encourage agents to share safety and security content in order to be a good neighbor and stay top-of-mind.
The 2021 National Association of REALTORS® Buyer Profile states that 89% of buyers would use their agent again. ●HOWEVER● Only 12% of buyers worked with the agent they worked with in the past.
Why?? 🤔
Because agents aren't top-of-mind!
Let me help you!
I provide safety and security handouts for agents to use to keep consumers safe and secure.
Download the free Dog Safety Tip sheet that is linked in the article! Staple your business card to it and share with your farm area, your clients, old and new. 🧐 You can also get the free FSBO Safety Tip sheet there, too. 😉 Convert FSBOs with safety and security tips.
Post the infographic on your social media. Share helpful safety and security information on a regular basis.
From the link in the article you can sign up to subscribe and get expert-led safety and security content to share with consumers on a monthly basis. ▶️Copy and paste◀️ to share on social media, in your emails, in direct mail pieces, etc. Stand out and be the agent who cares about consumers!
Thank you to the agents who shared their stories!
Read the article here and feel free to comment or share your story:
#realtor #RealtorSafety #realestatesafety #dogsafety #DangerousDogs #dangerousanimals