VA Real Estate Agent Killed, REALTOR(R) Safety in the News
Unfortunately, another real estate agent has been killed in the line of duty.
This agent was doing his job. He was actually going above and beyond. The buyer had purchased the house sight-unseen, and after he moved in, he had issues and wanted to “return” the house.
The agent went over to address his concerns, and the owner shot and killed him. The seller later took his own life.
Two agents were shot and wounded in California this year. The accompanying home inspector was also shot and killed. The disgruntled homeowner shot them.
We never blame the victim… The question is, what lesson can we learn to protect other agents?
1. I urge agents to assess the situation with potential and current clients who might be upset.
See if a virtual conversation or phone call will work to determine the concerns.
That will allow you to get a glimpse at their demeanor. For example, if the consumer is very upset, raging, or inconsolable, you can avoid a face-to-face confrontation.
2. You may decide that it is safe to go, but not alone. Have someone accompany you in those cases.
3. You can also allow them a cooling-off period and visit afterward.
4. If you must go to the property, consider contacting law enforcement officials to accompany you.
5. If law enforcement isn’t an option, there are private security firms that can be engaged to accompany you in what may be a potentially dangerous situation.
Agents, your safety comes before business.
Stay safe.