Cybersecurity Training: An Essential Investment for Businesses of All Sizes.

Cybersecurity Training: For Businesses of All Sizes

$10.5 trillion.

That's the cost of cyberattacks globally by the end of 2024.

That number should get your attention.

Investing in cybersecurity training is typically not a priority for individuals, salespeople, entrepreneurs, and businesses of all sizes until after a breach has occurred.

The average cost of a global cybersecurity breach is $4.45 million, according to IBM. The reputational damage is priceless. 51% of organizations increase security investments *after* the fact, after a breach.

The question is, why don't people and businesses invest in cybersecurity training *before* a cyber attack or breach? The same companies don't hesitate to pay for sales or skills training to increase revenue.

There needs to be a shift in the thought process. A shift to protect the revenue and private data in a proactive manner.

All it takes is one click to become a cyber victim. Clicking on a single link can unleash a nightmare upon any business or family.

Downloading a virus or malware exposes personal and business financial data to criminals who will wipe out your finances, access your medical history, or hold your information for ransom. Even if you have backed up your data, it's still out there on the dark web and in cybercriminal's hands.

Wouldn't you agree that prevention is the best practice?

"Tracey, the Safety Lady" Hawkins

Safety expert/1995. Safety/security products/printables. Internat'l content creator, keynote speaker about work safety, AI, cyberdangers, TV/media contributor.